Examples in English


In order to make informed decisions, it's important to understand how your campaign is performing. Here are some questions you can ask Boolee to get a detailed analysis of your campaign performance:

  • Which campaigns had the best performance in the last 10 days?

  • What are the trends in my Google Ads campaigns over the last 10 days?

  • Which campaigns had the best performance in the last 10 days?

  • Do you see any trends that we can use to optimize weaker campaigns?

  • Please analyze my currently active Google Ads campaigns from the last 7 days and name the trends you see.

  • Can you analyze ad accounts X and Y over the last 3 days and show me which account performed best and worst?

  • Which of my campaigns have the highest ROI?

Optimization and Improvement

Optimizing your campaigns is all about identifying areas for improvement and making the necessary adjustments. Use the following questions to uncover optimization opportunities:

  • Do you see any trends that we can use to optimize underperforming campaigns?

  • What could be the possible reason for the poor performance of campaign X?

  • Can you identify any areas of inefficiency or bottlenecks in ad group Y within campaign X?

  • Analyze the keywords and targeting settings to ensure they align with the campaign objectives.

  • How should I reallocate my budget to maximize ROI?

  • How can I optimize my bidding strategy for all campaigns?

  • What is the ideal budget for each of my campaigns based on historical data?

  • How can I adjust my bids to maximize conversions within a fixed budget?

  • Which campaigns have the potential for growth if given additional budget?

  • Which underperforming campaigns have potential and how can I optimize them?

  • How can I lower the CPA for all my campaigns?

Targeting and Strategies

Targeting strategies play a crucial role in reaching the right audience. Ask Boolee these questions to gain insights into your targeting strategies:

  • Can you provide a detailed analysis of the targeting strategies used in campaigns X and Y?

  • Can you provide a detailed analysis of the strategies used in campaign Z at a specific point in time that led to the exceptional ROAS of Y?

  • Which audience segments are driving the most conversions?

  • How can I optimize my ad schedule for better performance?

  • Which geographic regions are yielding the highest ROI?

  • Which audience segments should I exclude due to poor performance?

  • Which age groups respond best to my ads?

Costs and Conversions

Monitoring cost and conversion metrics helps evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of your campaigns. Here are some questions to consider:

  • What do the CPC variations look like when grouped by device and campaign ID?

  • Can you identify which keywords have led to the most conversions for campaigns X and Y in the last 7 days?

  • Can you determine the total ad spend for the keywords that led to the most conversions for campaigns X and Y in the last 7 days?

  • Can you provide the total number of conversions for each of the best performing keywords in campaigns X and Y in the last 7 days?


Comparing different ad accounts or campaigns can reveal important differences and opportunities for improvement. Use these questions to perform a comparative analysis:

  • Can you identify the key factors contributing to the performance differences between ad accounts X and Y?

  • Break down the demographic performance metrics (CTR, CPC, ROAS) for ad accounts X and Y.

  • How did my campaigns perform over the last week/month/quarter?

  • Which metrics are underperforming, and what can I do to improve them?

  • What are the top trends in my campaign performance?

Poor Performance

Identifying and fixing performance issues can significantly improve the overall effectiveness of your campaign. Ask Boolee these questions to identify underperforming elements:

  • Which ad group performed the worst?

  • Which campaigns am I spending too much money on with no return on investment?

  • Which campaigns should I pause or stop due to poor performance?

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